Thank you for sharing your info. I do appreciate it. I've never experienced this type of anxiety before my divorce, having to move and the kids going off on their own. All at once. No wonder I'm a...
Hi Glen, I wantd to throttle her over the phone. I was getting angry and she kept her voice very monotone, insisting that you can't get withdrawals on 7 days of a small dose. And that's why she gets...
Hi Becky, No, nothing else meds wise have changed. I've been feeling the zapping since day one and the burning sensation as well. The shrink seems to think that it's just my anxiety manifesting...
Hi. I started my Paxil (generic) journey 7 days ago. Today would have been the 8th but I felt so lousy I just couldn't put the pill in my mouth. Well, all day long I've been having head zaps (I was...
Thank you Kit for the reassurance. I did take the Paxil this morning and don't feel that great. But I know, anxiety is usually worse when you first take these drugs. Doesn't make sense to me and...
Hi. Yes, I'm still on the fence. I looked at the bottle of what I thought was Paxil and it's generic. Anyone taking this form? I called my insurance company and they will only cover generics if a...
Just a quick footnote I didn't start the Paxil yet! I have a call into the dr with questions that I felt she didn't adequately answer. And I also forgot to mention that my script is for generic. Do...
Thank you both so much for the warm welcome and for making me feel better about the Paxil. Karen, I know what you mean. I tried the Zoloft last month again for 3 days and had wicked diarrhea which I...
the Paxil I do also take klonopin .5mg 3 times a day. Ruekat ...