Thanks you also Jamie , Sometimes I just want things to happen faster then they are supposed to....
Thank You Karen ....
I know that some of it has to do with the depression and is rooted with her weight issues . I also beleive her when she says she is trying to deal with it but cant help the anxious feelings she gets...
I havent been on for awhile but it is over a year and I dont feel like things are any better. My wife is still sleeping in another room . After the last counciler was killed in the auto accident in...
Jamie thanks ,it was unbeleiveable when her first terapist quit last june before her first appointment ,after waiting 3 months and then her grandmother passing away when she was schedueled for her...
Thank you both for your responses . Karen its still hard because I really love her but never hear those words back . The one thing I have noticed when we walk next to each other I do feel she is...
I havent been on in a long time but just wantede to post an update . It's been about a year of the toughest battle of my life . My wife is done with school now. She has actually had about 4...
Ohioguy give her space , dont take things personally because it is the depression talking not her . The other thing I would recommend is to just let her know you are there for her. The hardest thing...
The only thing I would like to add is do not take what the loved one says or their actions personally. It is the depression talking and not the person....
Mike feel free to email me if you ever need to or have any questions. I do go for days at a time where I dont get on the computer because this is my busy season but will get back to you as soon as...
Hey first of all beleive me I know what you are going through. I have been maried to my wife for 9 years and have a 3 year old son. I to have a faith based relationship so I can relate to what you...
Thank you all . I know whats best but its not always easy....
Kgood In my earlier posts there is a lot more light shed . She had been going to school for 4 years and carried a 4.00 for this period but to do this she burned herself out. Meanwhile during this...
I beleive the sleeping on the couch is an anxiety thing . The only one she feels like hugging is our son . At her grand mothers funeral in june she was ready to jump at of her skin when people tryed...
Hey all. I have been dealing with my wifes depression since febuary and was just wondering what I can do to be supportive to my wife. She finally had her first counseling session and has tree more in...
I have to say I never could have imagined it would be this tough. She is really being nicer to me then the spring but I feel like my life is just wasting away. I really am no closer to a husband wife...
I havent been on for awhie but just wanted to drop a note to all that helped me. I am still hanging in here though it is hard. My wife had been waiting since feb. for a counciler. She actually went...
Thanks Kitt ,I know I shoulnt think this way . I really have tried to be perfect for 3 months but know that I am not . When we have an arguement I feel guilty because I dont want to drive her further...
Well my wife finally got a call back for an appointment. I actually am nervous. My wife has been more pleasant to me lately . School is out but I still cant even hold her hand. She says that she gets...
Yeh Kitt I just got off the phone with my wife . She sounded very upset. She is heading to her last night of class . She said today was a bad day. She then went on to tell me that she called the...
You have seen my posts in the past but everday is a struggle for me . I have been trying to be a supportive husband and have been doing alright but the last few months have been a rollercoaster of...
Kitt you are in my prayers....
The same way that even when are children are really being disobediant we still love them. We may not love what they are doing but we love them . So it is the same way with our heavenly father.He...
Let Jesus fight it for you. When you look at your wife and kids you will really know what is important. It is funny but at the lowest points of my life is when I have come to realized what is most...
I am praying for you brother....
OK Iwill tell you a little about my life . I was divorced after 3 years of marriage and 3 sons. I lived with a girlfriend for 5 years . She left me for someone else . We leased a 400 acre hose farm ....
Hey I just need some prayer which I beleive in with all my heart. My wife has only 2 weks left of school. She is still depressed and I am wore out. The last 2 months I have tryed everything I could...
I have a question that someone may be able to help me with. I was wondering if the depression is caused from long periods of stress and the serontonin levels cant levels cant replenish themselves...
Hey buddy I havent been on line for a few weeks but I wanted to tell you I here you . I am going through a very similar situation and my heart goes out to you. My wife still hasnt seen a counselor...
Hey my prayers are with you and your sister during these tough times ....
I do think there is a lot of positive things that I can see. I found it intresting that things are better later in the day for depressed people. My wife is not a morning person to start. [I am] I...
She is still waiting for her call back for her appointment after the initial phone interview . Our insurance provider has us limited to who she can see. With her in school fulltime we are really...
I have ?. When my wife was emotional over me getting her flowers for her birthday you said that was good because it showed she was feeling. The other things I am taking as positive signs and I could...
Hey our situations are almost identical. Its not even a coincidence that we both found this same website. Hey we only are finished through the fire.It is the only way for the impurities within us to...
Howlyncat I will be praying for you too. The battle is in spirit and not the flesh....
Lespaul I put my email adress under my profile so feel free to email for support if you ever need to. The first time you answered my other post I was actually really down and asking God to let me...
The truth is I have probably added to her problem, but back when the problem first started I didnt know she was depressed. I would just think that she was not doing anything and being lazy. I have...
Today is my wifes birthday. I have been just trying to be supportive . No pressure . I sent her flowers and she cried and said she feels guilty cause she cant feel love right now. Is doing nice...
She has called 3 times after 3 weeks they called and asked her some questions like are you suicidal. She isnt but God forbid the one that is suicidal and has to wait 3 weeks for a response.They told...
I am really trying to sort through this. I am frustrated because my wife got called back fropm the counselor and after the 3 week wait they still havent given her an appointment. I love my wife with...
Lespaul I probably would go to her parents but it really would depend on what her parents are like . I know that the other 2 replies did not think you should go behind her back but because she is in...
Hey lespaul thanks for the reply and encouragement . I am amazed how similar our situations are . If I didnt start the day off on my knees in prayer I woulld not make it through the day . It really...
I have no insurance at all. I have really taken a lot of time to examine myself though and can see a lot of ways that I could have been a better husband. The problem was that as I look back at the...
You guys will be sick of me pretty quick but if I dont keep trying to understand this I will get pulled in .When my wife spoke to the counselers today about her appointment they are setting up . She...
Karen thank you for the kind words. It is some kinda of rollercoaster. Last week she called me to take me and my son out to dinner one evening, all I can do is be strong, supportive ,and hope....
Hey it is me again . I was actually talking to my wife tonight and she was called back by the therapist today but they still havent set up an appointment. It is tough because we have to go through...
Welcome to the site . I am new here too , and can tell you that you are not alone with the way you feel. I am not the depressed person but married to one and it has been real hard on this end too....
I really dont think standing by her is thing more then what a a husband should do ,or wife . I know how rough it has been and really dont see an end in sight right now she is waiting forher...
I just found it amazing reading through the posts how many spouses were dealing with the same situation. It is amazing how similar the descriptions were of what others were going through....
She never needed any meds but did call for an appointment with a counselor. I know it is pretty common for a persons serotonin levels to be run down with long stretches of stress . The thing that is...