wats goin on wit my foot...well i am infection on my bone i havent been able to go to school which grades have went down big time...
well...now i have a serious problem wit my bone in my foot and ya i will keep posting its the only thing keeping me sane...
yay well things got so much wrose for me i broke my foot and now i am in crutches..so its even harder to do things its awful..this is wat amkes me wanna give up i feel so helpless...
Ya i think i am at the point of trying to get help. This is getting crazy i have cried for the past week. Every night if i have a reason to or not. I cant seem to get myself to stay happy. I feel...
ok i will thanks...i am scared to talk to anyone but you guys. my shcool always want to try to tell mom to put me on alot of meds or hospital and same with counselors i dont see drugging me up or...
thank you guys very much. This is really nice and sweet for u guys to be here for me and the others. I just felt so trapped i didnt wanna put more on my mom and talk to her about this. I cant talk to...
i feel...trapped. I was seeing someone for my depression but mom kept droping them. I also feel like i am a pain to my boyfriend which i have been with for almost a year. I hate putting him though my...
/community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/cry.gif Hi guys...just for the first part i am new...i am a 15 year old girl from ohio....i was told that i have a case of depression. Its been...