Thank you guys. To getting by, yes I was looking at it that way, he turned out to be controlling and I have to file a restraining order tomorrow. Though he was a nice guy, he wanted me to change in...
Well after a long evening and an attempt at, well you know, I looked up a number of an ex. I told him how I had been since we had last seen one another. He actually took me back. I cuddled with him...
I have talked to my family doctor. She advised me to go back to my therapist. I really dont want to because she will try to shove anti depressants on me again. But what choice do I really have? They...
I know we are suppose to keep talk of suicide to minimum. But I have to ask this. When is it time to seek help? I know the thoughts I'am having are dangerous and can lead me to problems. So when is...