also, sorry that's like the longest reply in the world, i like telling stories, it always helps me to know i'm not the only one :)...
damn. that's a tough one. i don't know what the right answer is, but i do know what helped me a little when i was in a similar situation. i don't know if i was in love with the guy, but i certainly...
Thank you all for your advice. To answer a few questions: Unfortunately, neither my parents nor I can afford counseling without help from insurance, and even then barely. I told them what happened to...
I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better about your situation. Sounds like you are a lot braver than you might have given yourself credit for :) Keep it up!...
hi flowegal22 i was in a situation where i had a very close friend who was going through depression as well. At first, it seemed like a life saver because it felt great to talk to someone who...
NightWish- I have been in a somewhat similar situation. I left my prestigious 4 year university midway because it didn't seem worth the money anymore. When I returned home to a local community...
Technically speaking I have been dealing with this depression for about 2 years now. But really, I've always been sad. For so long, it seemed like growing pains. That one day I would grow out of it....