'Surprisingly' Thanks karen <3 and ya, they should now advertise it as "informational, resources, community and dating" heh jokes :)...
I wanted to thank everyone, expseically karen and the whole forum/site, just for being. Helped me meet someone special, and i think everythings going to get better thanks to that. thanks alot <3...
Hey, so i've been in a uber depression pit for the last 6 hours crying, randomly and just kinda wollowing. Well it was all a good thing cause i think i found out something that's bothering me....
Thanks everyones......
Oh i thought author was a spam bot O.o...
Karen, i have a question... You guys have no section for this, but people on the chat have bene really supportive aout it, kinda and i wanted to make a psot about ti cause i need support right now....
Aw, well if that's hte reaons why atleats you knwo why and cna start working on it hopefully. And life's shitty as usual, alot of sutff has been happening, but i dunno haven't been up to posting it...
This allsounds too oddly familiar. But i really tink someone like that, isn't worth waiting around for. She obviousl can't make up her ind, and i think yoou deserve someone better. of course that's...
probably posst it up a day ahead or two on a weekday night or something of course we all have different time zones...
Over sleep causes people to be more tired ,and you should be getting 9-8 hours sleep so that probably has alot to do with it. But honestly i wouldn't knwo about that, i'm a under sleeper, 5 hrs every...
Ya, presuming you knwo what people think is gonna distory your relationship with anyone. Talk with her and let her tell you what she thinks. An d i'm sorry about your mother, but i think it's gotta...
Ya heh it's awesome when you acutally find someone in there, doens't happen often though, and no the chat didn't jsut boot us out it totally shut down...
Ya it seems that everything my account posted got ereased. Really sucked it being down and all but i'm glad it's bakc up now :)...