After I re-read all that I typed it seemed kind of childish...I do think I need to be a little more adpative for them. And I do have a job; I hate it, and I don't get paid enough to live away from my...
i] [b] how it's their house, and that the movie has been sitting there for a week, blah blah blah. [b][color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff>
thank you both for your kind words and advice. i really like the "your grades aren't your dipolma" made a light go on in my head. I am just pushing through the last 2 days of this class...
I] [b][color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff>
sleepy, my day has had it's ups and downs all day since i've woken up. i was in a great mood when i woke up and then i thought a friend of mine (who is also a best's friends bf) didn't want me to go...
my good thing for today: finding this forum. maybe you could write one on here, or write it down and throw it away like you said. i dont know if you have more than one computer at your place, or an...
Thank you....hearing from someone is actually what made me smile; and feel at ease. I have a hard time finding things to be grateful for when I'm down too. I think my major problem is that I push...
[color=blue>I] [b][color=#0000ff>i'm] [b][color=#0000ff>i'm] admitting that i'm depressed. [b][color=#0000ff> lately i've been extremely emotional and brought to tears over almost anything....