Hi, laynepaigebella how was your weekend ? sorry i couldnt get back to you sonner i hadd a very busy weekend. Me and my mother are having problems but im trying to keep it togather... How have you...
HEY,laynepaigebella Thankx…. So we can officially say were friends now lol, it’s nice to hear that your feeling good about yourself because I honestly feel that when you’re a good person on the...
Hi Robert, i recently been diagnoised with epilepsy, i had the 24hr heart monitor and i wasnt that bad..... im not sure if your would be the same monitor i had ( that raped around the hips) but when...
HI, my name is Porscha i would first like to thank you for reaching out to others for help, that is extreamly brave and mature. There is soo much in life to learn, an soo much that you have...