I hear your suffering and I send much love and support your way. It sounds like one of the main things is figuring out how to relocate. Environment can be so important if you already have other...
Cicinnya, I am in the same boat, in the mental health field and so I always feel scared to talk to anyone about what i struggle with which is depression. i have my own share of sexual issues from an...
Thank you somuchtolife. That did help. I ended up expressing my feelings to this person about how much this situation had been hurting me. It was quite a risk to do this as it potentially may have...
Jamie, which part do you get? Would like to hear more about your experience. I started my antidepressant today (Sam E) with green tea. I feel pretty good just from a few hours of it going into my...
Well he's back and now I am hypomanic. I feel too energized and I am up at 4am not able to sleep obsessing that I need to exercise more since I might see him soon, obsessing about looking younger,...
Thank you for the responses. Yes, I suffer with major depressive episodes every few months where for a month I can barely do what I like to do like exercise and music. Nothing gives me pleasure as I...
Hi there, I am a love addict and get severely depressed when a relationship or someone I like doesn't go the way I want. Currently, I met this guy last weekend and we fooled around. 2 days later he...