thanks Jacko333 i will look into those resources!!!...
So I did make it to my appointment and I told my counsellor about the pregnancy and she made me feel a lot better!! She found me a saying and i thought i should share it, "No Matter What Happens I...
Hey everyone, so I have no one to talk to and thought i could say it here nad get it off my chest.... i just found out i am pregnant.... and lst month i had two relationships within a week and a half...
So i went to my appointment she wants me to go to a psychiatrist and get a psychiatric assessment the only thing is i have to travel an hour and a half away for that because i dont want to see one i...
well everyone i made an appointment but instead of seeing a psychiatrist because i dont want it to affect my job i made an appointment with a sexual assault counsellor since i think this is the root...
:) thanks!!! that is really overwhelming to hear!!! i cant believe that a group so wide that has never met can be so amazing!!! all of your kindness will be with me forever!!!...
the one thing i cant get over to everyone that has replied to my post is no one has called me a whiner!! I always think someone is gonna roll their eyes at me and tell me to get over it!! Like I know...
How do you take things one mometn at a time and one day at atime??? My stressors come continuously along with suicide ideation!!! I have things that set me off and am not sure how to deal with them??...
I am sure nothing would ever happen to my daughter but I am sure my mother thought the same thing as well as my step mother too!!! It really is hard though to smile and live on like everything is...
my relationships are terrible!! as soon as i start feeling too close i push them away so i dont get hurt and am also scared for my daughter even though i shouldnt be worried because i do not have...
Thanks for your replys!! I did once go to a counsellor like 8 years ago but just got morea ngry and frusturated and stopped!! But one of my dilemmas is i just currently started working in the menatl...
6 years. I was tossed back and forth between homes and now all i can do to forget it and nothing works!! I am always crying, always thinking the worst!! Whenever people leave the room, i am always...