Happiless, I feel the exact same way. I've been suffering with it on and off for 10 years. i'm always told to take one day at a time and when I really do that, it does help. Are you on meds or seeing...
Karen I forgot to mention that I do see a counselor and a psychiatrist....
Karen my husband us full of major anger. His sick of me being ill & my son is a full time job....
Between my husband & my son, I,m really having trouble making it through each day. I saw my Dr. yesterday and he upped my dosage of effexor a little to see if it might help me. This is just all...
Thank you for the welcoming....
/community/emoticons/cry.gif A couple of months ago my husband told me he wasn't sure if he was in love with me anymore. He said he is tired of dealing with my depression, plus we also deal with a...