Hi everyone! Well, after a long two months struggle ( by struggle i mean the WORST TWO MONTHS you could imagine) to ditch 'the habit' I am officially off of Zoloft! I'll start by stating that I know...
alrighty, sooooooooo zoloft zombie is in effect now sunday i had the wonderful opportunity to reveal the RAGE side of me (didn't know i had one until then) to my hubby poor guy looked like a deer in...
hi there everyone well, it's been a few weeks now, and with the doc's help i'm down to my first day of taking only 25 mg of the stuff it was a pretty rough day today i told my hubby when i first...
thanks for the positive words, guys started my 'weening' today typically i don't experience withdrawal side effects until the third day two more days of goodness till my son and hubby are in danger...
First let me say that the 'period' button on my computer doesn't work! Started on 75 mg, and 18 months later i am on 100 mg I have gained 25 pounds! I admittedly get a little less exercise than I...