I posted about 4 weeks ago about my doc taking me off effexor and putting me on Wellbutrin overnight. I seen him yesterday, and he told me just to hang in there a few more weeks.----My depression...
I'm trying to hang in there, but I feel so shakey and wierd, I'm afraid to go drive anywhere. I have been having brain zaps and weird dreams all night long. I also have the sweats, then I'm freezing....
Thanks for your input. I did call my pharmacist tonight and he said what I'm experiencing is probably the Wellbrutin effects that are new to my system. He said the Effexor and Wellbrutin have most of...
My doc had me switch from Effexor to Wellbrutin in one day. It has been only two days ago, and I have been a wreck. I can't think straight, and am very dizzy. Has anyone switched from one drug to the...