She is not gonna let me see lilly who I have helped her raise. She texted me earlier and said acre she leaves the hotel she is not going to have enough money to leave and she doesn't know where she...
I hope she would be honest and tell the truth. Its hard when someone leaves to take space then comes back and leaves with no prior warning or nothing....
Today made 9 weeks of pregnancy. The funny thing that's hard to swollow is that Thursday she went to the doctor to be checked and that night her exes car was at the hotel she is at parked beside...
We had our talk today. The first thing she told me was that she went to the doctor Thursday and there was no heartbeat for the baby. I noticed she had her rings off. I knew in my heart when she left...
It's been difficult for the past 3 weeks. I fear she may leave again To be by herself. I've also read that people with depression sometimes don't want to be with anybody or be around. Im trying to be...
I try to talk but when she is like this she shuts down. we are meeting at our house to talk at 10 am. She is taking her daughter lilly to drop in chilcare so we can talk and She's not in it. Lauren...
Lauren was contacted via text by her ex 3 weeks ago Her ex asked was she still an ass. Lauren said have u done anything to chance that her ex said we r not on the same page Lauren said u have come...
Last night on my way home I passed the hotel that my partner has been at since sunday. To my surprise I saw her exes car parked beside her. I texted her and told her I saw it. I also said what the...
She texted me ties and said her and Lilly her daughter would Be out of the hotel sat and we would talk. About 30 mind ago I texted and asked how they were doing she said ok but I don't wanna talk...
She has been seeing a therapist since last easter. We got together in nov of 2009. she left jul third 2010 then she took time to find herself. She said she did and realized she made a mistake in...
I need help my partner is pregnant and suffers from depression...
We had a commitment ceremony dec 18 2010. Our baby Is due in oct. She says she is the only one that can make her life Decisions. She says there is nobody else in the picture. She said I can't get you...
I need help. My partner is 7 weeks pregnant and suffered from depression prior to becoming pregnant. Her family has abandoned her she is bringing another child into homosexual lifestyle. She up and...