THanks so much for your support. Touche. Agreed....
Jamie, Wow. That was a very quick response. Thanks so much. Am feeling very depressed that my family thinks I am BP. Go figure. Hope you are well. Rick...
Clearly I should have posted this in this section. Rookie error. I am a 57 year old happily married male. My wife thinks I am bi-polar because we had an argument the other night and I got mad, not...
Thank you all for your very quick and kind responses. I am contacting my doctor for a referral to a specialist to get diagnosed. I am shocked and appalled that my wife and grown sons would label me...
I am a 57 year old happily married male. My wife thinks I am bi-polar because we had an argument the other night and I got mad, not physical, ever. She can not remember the last time we had a fight....