I know its normal to have a certain amount of family drama and stress thats just apart of the deal with family right? But for me right now there is just always something going on in my family and its...
ok guys so heres the deal now... I am so over all of this! Today has been a really emotional day. we finally got to sit down and tell him that he has to leave on saturday, we got about five minutes...
update 2 i've decided to leave a note asking if we can talk when we get home from church instead of telling him everything as its probably not the best way to do it. Its important to do it face to...
ok so heres the update, I am sure you are as sick of these updates as i am of having to live through them. last night even after we asked him not to drink for the next three weeks he went ahead and...
wow what an amazing step you have taken for yourself and your future Hikaru. You should be very proud of yourself for having the courage and the strength to change your situation and give yourself a...
Hi guys, thanks for all the advice, but we cant kick him out we said he had till the end of july and we have to stick to our word. He doesnt have a job, he doesnt have anyone here so we cant just...
Thank you for all of your advice! I do love my grandfather very much and every time I talk to him I am glad of it but it is very hard to think of him not knowing who I am and eventually not being...
ok guys so tonight I am angry and I just needed to vent it off my chest. Heres the latest.... So after the big fight my sister went and spent a week with my parents and then on satuday just gone they...
Hey guys, today has been a lot better, he wasnt drinking tonight and he was a lot more civil. I was never really worried for my safety, I just dont like being around people who are drunk. But He is...
so My Grandfather who I love dearly and have a very special relationship with is in the beginning stages of Alzheimers. He lives in a different state to me so I dont get to see him very often at all...
Thanks guys! On saturday I told my sister that what happened on friday night was not ok and that she was in an abusive relationship, she agreed but said that she loved him, the usual trap that goes...
Hi guys, I have never been apart of a group like this before so forgive me if I am not as clear as I should be. I just need a place to vent and be heard without being judged. ok so where do I...