i waitress too, haha, but nahh. i live in pure country my friend. as for my father, he passed away a long time ago. i was only 4 months and such...my siblings...i have 4 from my fathers side and one...
sue..that was inspiring. you totally got what im feeling down pat. i had another bad day with her..but i did leave the room like you said, and went out for a 2 hour drive to cool down. unfortunately...
i dont know if she acts out in kindness. she almost..rubs that information into my face. i understand the smoking thing is out of love, but by telling me i caused her to smoke, drink and crap, is...
i understand she is being a mother..and you are correct. counselling..is not for this family. i just..my mother does not want me to grow up. but i am growing up, and i just wish she would let me. my...
its not what would go on during the couselling...its what goes on afterwards........
i do not think....that would go down very well.....................
i do not cut anymore. i do everything i can for my mother. i have tried to calmly talk to her. she refuses to listen....
I'm not okay. I was recently caught smoking, i have been smoking for over a year now, and yes. i know. its a bad habit. but when you've been a for over 2 years, you tend to reach for ANYTHING other...