I should have explained myself more thoroughly.I have acid reflux;gastritis(non-bacterial) and a small hiatal hernia.I haven't been able to eat very well;just mainly very soft foods and ensure.My Dr...
Hello;I've tried lexapro a few times.My Dr. started me out on 10 mg and it seemed to work good for about three weeks;then I started getting emotional;hostile and more depressed.The side effects were...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif Hello;I have a question;any feedback would be appreciated.Has anyone with stomach problems tried a product by the name of "manuka honey"?I hear that it is a good...
Hello;"hurt and scared"I have a few questions for you.When you eat food;can you describe the symptoms of how you feel during and after you have ate food?Are you on soft/liquid foods;solid or both?One...
Thank you;stkitt;I do a lot of research and I found in an article that tums,etc that has calcium in it can actually cause more stomach acid;hence,nausea...I eat tums sometimes as well;It helps but,I...
Hello,"hurt and scared"I'm sorry that you're going through this shit;I'm only 33;it's not right,is it?So;you have to wait until August?Sweetie;that is so far away.I drug my feet and finally;in May;I...
Thx Joy;no I haven't had a manometry done;I'm sure this GI Dr will run more tests.I've dealt with gerd for over a decade;I know how debilitating it is;I've just never dealt with a monster like...
Hey;I'm new to this message board.I"ve had depression and anxiety for years.I have Acid Reflux Disease,which has been controlled for many years with prevacid.I've tried different kinds of meds for...