my doctor, or his secretary, cant get me in until the 29th of april, my phsych tends to make jokes about everything and doesnt know what to put me on, and right now i would rather stay in bed than...
Lately I have been sleeping the day away........
does anyone else feel like hurting themselves because nothings going right or there is some much anger inside u.........
my biggest fear right now is i am having pains in my chest and i dont know if its all anxiety or if there is something wrong with me. i fear sometimes im having a heartattack....
I have yet to take that med yet, but with 80% of the ones I have been on I have gained weight.... thought it would help...
depression has totally taken over my life, or at least for the last 6 years, take meds they say, nothing works. I am married with four great kids who dont need this at all, and what if they take...
I wonder the same thing everyday, when will it stop, is this always going to be my life?? I am a 30 yr old married mom of 4 with no care to go on from day to day. I have been doing this for almost 6...