I hope you feel better soon Lee_S. I would make an appointment with your DR as soon as you're able, and perhaps make a list of things you'd like to speak with your DR about. Having an unstable or...
Thanks Chartreux-- The Drs appointment went well. No decisions yet, but I did get some medicine to help me sleep, which will help with part of the picture. I'll be having a full blood chemistry done....
Thanks Karen <=) I really appreciate the input. It's funny, I journal quite regularly but the journal I kept this past summer had so much negative stuff in it I put it away and have refused to look...
Hey- Alaskah I've had this too. And the best advice for me was to only take it as I was curling up into the covers and turning off the light. That way I always associated it (psychologically) with...
Hey all-- I'm new here, and I hope no one minds, I don't have much to offer but much to ask. First, let me be honest that I will be seeing a doctor tomorrow, and will be discussing all of this with...