Nope My Friend...
She Keeps Being Horrible And Going Behinde My Back, Saying Things To Upset Me For No Reason and Ignoring Me....
Im Sorry For Being Away So Long. I Reacently Was Dumped By My Boyfriend I Love Him So Much And I Hate My Life With Out Him, My Best Friend Keeps Falling Out With Me For No Reason, My Mum Drinks And...
I know ok sorry I didn't mean it Like that it makes me feel weak and I dont like feeling like that in my life my family I have to be strong pervert thing will fall apart I can't tell ajy one because...
I want to but I can't I can't tell anyone. It's a sign of weakness and i have to bestrong x...
So my friend was having an argument with this other girl and she was talking to her while i was there and i seen the chat history and she said she was mentally ill and i asked her and she said she...
Hi the thing is im only 13 I've been through alot and i feel like I have evry one i knows problems on my shoulder and I'm scared I just want to be normal I hate feeling angry andupset at the world...
I dont know how I would even go about looking into it my teachers wouldn't be able to help me and if I said anything to them theyd probally get intouch with my parents andthey cant find out there...
Ive tried i really have but i cant tell any body. things theyll think, what people would say i cant do it my barriers are strong but this i couldnt handle it if people found out....
It might be good but i cant, i cant tell anyone no one can know how weak i am....
music is my escape some of the band big pop branded stuff but normally the heartfelt songs by artists that have worked hard for where they are and dont care if not everbody knows there name....
Lately ive been feeling worse and worse, ive been more agitated acting out becoming someone im not changing pesonalitys, i dont know whats going on with me. At the moment im sitting in my room i feel...
Thanks All hope santa gave ya what you want you's deserve it. Any ideas how to keep a relationship and a friendship at the same time without one blowing up, I've been going out wid this guy and its...
Thanks, i guess i just feel alone a little because i cant talk to my closest friends because they don't understand I've tried in the past but they don't understand how i feel. its really good to know...
getting by is right don't be scared to open up, even if you get hurt a little, it will make you a stronger person. at the moment your just putting up a hollow wall your convincing yourself your...
Hope you feel better Ocean1 i feel like that a lot but i just keep my emotions in but sometimes it gets so over whelming i breakdown, i suppose its good to get it out but it feels like no ones there....
Hey I've never done anything like this, but i just feel alone. Nothing in my family life is going well. neither is my school life. I used to want to be alone because you get more done and don't get...