Thank you for your advice Charles. It really helps to know there are others who feel the same way as I do and that I shouldn't give up. I don't think my family will ever really understand, but to be...
getting by, I meant that the antidepressants I was on made me all over the place, and that is why I think maybe a mood stabilizer would help me instead. I do really want to get better - it's just a...
Thank you both for the replies, It's Genetic... I am aware that my diet and exercise regime is not very good at all at the moment. Due to the depression I have been sleeping in till 3pm and therefore...
getting by, Thanks for your reply. You are right. I guess I am asking for a lot that I'm probably not going to get. I think I am still in denial even after 5 long years that I have to make my own...
Thank you for all the replies. I know hospital seems like a good idea but all they could offer me is medication and talking. The medication will take a few months to get working anyway so if I did go...
I am very sorry for your loss. Thankfully I have never been through anything as awful as this so I cannot say I understand or offer advice. All I would say is that although the pain will never fully...
Hello all. I have been seeing my current psych for over a year now and I have only got a whole lot worse. I used to have a life, but now I just lay in bed all day every day - literally. I haven't...
Hey there. I was on Zoloft a few months ago, and it did not work for me. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and the first medication I tried was Prozac - which made me manic with...
Hey there, I think the point at which you need to ask for help is when the problem is affecting your every day life. For example, you turn up late to work because you don't see the point in getting...
Hello all. I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this post, and I don't expect anyone to be able to help or anything... I guess I just need to vent. Everything is wrong at the moment. I feel so...
Hey there! Welcome to the forum. Reading this post, I could relate a lot to the things you were saying. Have you ever tried counselling, or even talking to a close friend or someone about how you are...
jamiee, Thank you for the reply! I do the same. I usually tell them to leave me alone and to stop bothering me. Sometimes it works but other times it doesn't. But yeah I think it's a good tactic to...
getting by, Thanks for your reply. I agree, I should mention it to my counsellor just to see what she says. I also get migraines and when I do so I see coloured dots for about 10 minutes, but they...
Hi all! I am looking for some advice on what to do about some hallucinations I've been experiencing, or even just hearing other peoples experiences :) From about 7-10 years old I experienced...