i have tried councelling but i felt as if she got annoyed by me. my councelling sessions were over so my file is now closed. also i dont have a ride to getbthere all the time. ive tried everything...
because he smiles when i try to tell him how i feel. i just feel like he doesnt take my depression as serious as it is. he always says be happy and thinks my depression is nothing. im 16 years old...
i have tried to talk with my mom but she doesnt listen. shes always walking away when i try to talk to her and she seems very distracted. i feel soo stuck right now and completly miserable that i...
thank you soo much. that honestly means the world to me. i love coming on here because no one judges me and i can speak my mind without someone bringing me down. i hope i do get better. i pray to God...
what do u mean when you say depression can be spiritual?...
thank you guys soo much! i appreciate it. the medication im on is prozac. my pills are done so when i go back to the doctor should i make him increase it?...
i feel like everyone has given up on me. today i felt horrible because this girl in my class was telling me how im dumb and how i should go back to grade 2 and other mean things. ive been goiong...