Hi, I just wanted to say please hang in there and don't give up on your life or your love! Yes, I know you are feeling sad over your girl wanting to leave. But things can still work out for the two...
Dbab, its ashamed you must waste so much energy on trying to act like Little Miss Mary Sunshine. It would be far better if you could , instead, use that energy to fight the depression....
Put yourself in the boy friend's place. He is far away working, and misses you. So he gives you a call. What do you say? You are just gushing with joy over the old friend's call, and to heck with...
I think this dizzy and woozy feeling is a side effect of many antidepressants. ZYprexa is doing that to me, but has almost subsided now thank goodness!!! Dbab, I can get off meds and stay off,...
Sure do hope the down time will soon be over, and the up time will stay!!! All of us get like this at times. You are human, with human feelings. You don't have to be positive all the time, you know!!...
[color=purple>How] Are ya getting 'happy" yet? [img]/community/emoticons/cool.gif [color=#800080>Are] [b][color=#800080>When] [b][color=#800080>Yep,] D-Rule, glad you are getting into hobbies again....
Hi Rennie!! Just wanted to say I am taking Effexor, and like it better than any other antidepressant I've tried. And believe me , I have tried most of them in the past year. It has been absolutely...
Always Rosie, it was good of you to research Zyprexa for me.I guess i should give the med a try. Seems like nothing else has worked very well for me. All of last year is a blur to me. I was so...
Hello everyone. I am new to the Healing Well board,so this is my first post here at all I have been suffering from a severe depression for over a year now. I've never had such a long period of being...