Can somebody please tell me if they are or have ever taken celexa and your thoughts? Thank you, Bubbley...
Hi friends! So I had to stop the Wellbutrin and they are now starting me on Celexa. Does or has anyone ever taken this and what do you think? Thank you so much for your input. Look forward to hearing...
Hey Karen! I'm taking 150mg and I feel very on edge and aggravated. Like I'm about to explode. I left message for nurse to call me but I don't even want to take my dose today because of the way it's...
Kara or anyone else that has or is taking Wellbutrin. I am very depressed and angry and I feel like the Wellbutrun is causing it. It's worse since I started it and I don't know what to do. I have...
I'm not doing good. Im not sure this Welllbutrin is gonna work for me. I'm so depressed and moody. I have cried every night. I just want to be myself again. I'm so tired of feeling this way. I feel...
Thank you Trina! That means a lot. I'm willing to try whatever. Thank you so much. ;)...
Lesley, Anxciety MDD, depression, separates self from everything....
Trina!! Thank you so much for your help and making me feel welcome. I have been on it before, but can't remember if it helped or not. I will be patient. Thank you sweetie. Take care. ;)...
Hi!! I am new on here. I suffer from major depression and was wondering if any of you are taking Wellbutrin and what you think about it and have you had any side affects? Thank you....