Thanks Trina, therapy ya..maybe, i guess i could try that again, medications no...I refuse to take any type of human made meds or "drugs" so to speak. Combat drug was enough for me to know the govt....
I really feel that you guys care, thanks so much. I didnt really think i was going to get anything from this on my first post. BnotAfraid...your words mean alot to me. I do believe the lets say...
ok thanks, ya i guess more counceling could be good....ive tryed it before but it didnt really give me any solid conclusion at all. I dont do drugs, smoke, but drink occasionally and i try to be a...
Hi there. well... hard to explain, i think ive been depressed for years, i cant seem to hold a job (even ones where ive made stupid money like 10k a month, i might last a year...maybe, but i always...