Thanks guys. This forum has been a HUGE help as well. I am grateful to have a place to vent when the normal circumstances make it unable to do so. Have had a good day thus far. Noticing more focus at...
Thanks Karen. I had an ok night. My youngest hadd an ear ache and didn't go to sleep until like 11pm. I am trying to just do my normal routine. She gave me a hug last night before bed and one before...
I am trying to hang loose. If anything I have been more myself over the last cple months. I've come to realize that I have abandoment issues and I feel needy alot.Whether it is a hug or kiss or a...
Thanks guys. I went home for lunch and saw her. I didn't give her a hug. Her body language didn't seem very receptive. I went to leave to go back to work and started to walk over to give her a hug...
Hi everyone! Had a great weekend witht the kiddos. We went and looked at x-mas lights and they Loved it! they want to go again tonight. lol. My wife is coming home today and I am very anxtous. my...
Thanks guys. I sure hope things will be.I have my girls comming this week so I'm looking forward to spending time with them Sunday. I have movies and some games for them. LOL They will probly want to...
Hey guys. Sorry it took so long to get back. My session yesterday went ok. I really just vented about my current situation. I feel a little better. The dr said the it was impairitive that I tell my...
Thanks for the kind words Karen. It may take some time but I will. Gonna take it day by day. Thanks, Ill be sure to update tomorrow. Paul...
Thanks Karen. I have had a pretty ok day you? The sun is out here in KS but kinda chilly. I do need to focus on me. I am the only one working right now and I have to sell cars to get a paycheck. So...
That is exactly it Trina. How do you deal with the damned it you do damned if you don't? I amreally looking forward to going to my session tomorrow! I hope stuff starts to make more sense to me. I...
Thanks Karen. I have been trying to leave her alone so she can think. I did get a call saying that I can get into talk to a therapist tomorrow.:) I know she went to her session yesterday so that is a...
Thank you Trina. I will look in to it. I feel like this is some sort of test that I will lose anyway I go. She said that I didn't care what she was going through and wanted to be left alone. She also...
Thanks Karen. I had a hard time sleeping last night. Not knowing where she is is stressful. Whats the best way to keep my thoughts from racing? Trying to throw myself into my work but Im in retail...
Thank you. It is tough and going to get tougher. I do understand that. We both drank very heavily to hide our emotions. She tried to take her life about a month and a half ago. I was too drunk and...
Hello- My name is Paul and I am looking for advise on how to talk to my depressed wife and how to cope with the lost intamacy and feelings of rejection that come with it. I too am depressed and we...