Hello Alexis, I am sorry but that is not fair to you at all. It is very controlling and won't be helpful in the long run. I am telling you from experience and it really effected my healing and still...
Thank you for your replies and I am sorry for not following the rules, I was unaware. I even checked before hand and thought I was choosing my words carefully. I can't handle therapy anymore...I have...
I am a little hesitant to post but I am at a loss and dont want to call anyone....friends and family and sick of dealing and hearing about my issues that they probably feel are trivial. I am at the...
If you still want some info one these let me know because I do have some knowledge...
I think it was me who brought this up before..I was on these medications as well and decided to come off due to the I dont care feeling and no motivation. I dont think you were on the highest dose of...
There is a really big difference from feeling depressed and suffering from depression as well. Here a article from a book that is used to help people understand what it is like for a person suffering...
@Malebb..I am sorry but I think you should try being a little more supportive of what he needs right now. You should be impressed that he is willing and wanting counseling, because its very hard...
Thx for the quick replies everyone it is pretty cool to have found this site. I am the kind of person who internalizes most of my emotions so speaking about it is something new that I have been doing...
Hello everyone...I have not taken the time to read every single post but I was wondering if anyone can provide me with any feedback or have similar experiences to my own? I have been suffering with...