Thank you, That really warmed my heart. Keep Moving Forward....
Keep Moving Forward, thank you so much for your well-written reply. My life is such a mess, I don't know what I need to do first. Sometimes I think I am too hopeless and I should just hide in a hole...
Hello, I am going through the exact things you are. I can't forgive myself for my mistakes, I can't stop allowing the negativity of others to lower my self-esteem. I just want to be liberated from...
Thank you, Keep Moving Forward. I really need the support....
I know my problems are too much for others. I don't have long....
Sometimes I think if I were an alcoholic, it would be better than being depressed. People don't understand depression. When I went to the hospital and a healing house for mentally ill patients,...
After someone mentally/emotionally abused me, I break down in tears. I've tried to not be a crybaby, but I break down in tears and drown my sorrows in food....
It feels like an extremely heavy person is sitting down you. You literally can't breath, and sometimes you panic for air. Almost like being in a wrestling match with the greatest wrestler and they...
I had to take a little ablifiy in order for my anti-depressants to work....
I have struggled with depression all of my life. I remember when I first started feeling depressed, around the age of 4 or 5. I would cry for hours for no reason. Environmental factors also made my...