I feel as though I shouldn't come on here and complain about my life. If I sit back and compare my day to day to other peoples it's not nearly as bad. But my bad is bad for ME! I am a single Mom to...
For as long as I can remember I have always had some kind of sleeping/non-sleeping issue. Most often it was always being tired. Waking up multiple times a night for no apparent reason. Struggling to...
Alcie, I am sorry to hear about your sons experience. Glad to hear he has recovered completely. Thank you very much for your insight and knowledge to my situation. This is a great forum, source of...
Judy2, Thank you very much for your reply. I had completely forgot about the high risk of infection that comes along with this sort of procedure. Do you think I could allow her to walk through the...
My 10 year old daughter just had Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscus Surgery, left knee on 5/30/13. For the first 3 days after surgery I her icing and elevating 24/7. On the 5th day she went to her first...