Stop, take a deep breath, don't freak out about the side affects, just be mindful of them, you know your body better then anyone. Don'T take the ativan unless you need it. (if that it's what it says)...
/community/emoticons/rolleyes.gif Bare with me on this one! yesterday my doc put me on vivactil (tricyclic) and took me off everything else. substituting my by Solid Savings" id="_GPLITA_0"...
i thought that i was the only one! i used to love to shower, do my hair and makeup,etc. but lately, I'd rather stare at.the wall. you need to see your Dr. ASAP. I went yesterday and he put me on...
i am in by Solid Savings" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration: underline;" href="#"...
iI went from Effexor straight to Cymbalta without a hitch, please correct me if I'm wrong but I think they are basically the same drug aren't they?...