i'm no good at talking to random people unless i have a reason for it... can't exactly just walk up to someone and say hi without looking like a weirdo, now, can i? i've always been objective, i...
gb: it's plasma; they pay a little bit for it, so it's not as kind as you'd think. still, it's not something i'd give up just because i was financially stable. heh, sounds like a pretty great day to...
that's what i'm trying to say... it's like sweeping. you take care of certain times of the day, only to end up with a huge pile at the end. i get out occasionally, but mostly just to run errands... i...
... so... we just talk about our day, here? 3 hours of sleep for the second or third day in a row. at least i'm not sleeping during the day, i guess. really warm... of course, summer in texas is...
i try, but my thoughts can be overwhelming... it used to just be random things i'd messed up in the past, or even things that've had no real significance... but i've had a lot on my mind lately, and...
lol, meditation is what i -do- when i'm trying to sleep... effective, when it works. it doesn't always work. i did manage a few hours, though. i can't afford a doctor... can't really afford much of...
i'm not expecting anyone to do it for me... any support i had just kind of collapsed under my weight, that's all. i don't really care at this point. worst comes to it, i'll bring a paper bag and a...
somehow, i was afraid that was all i was going to get from here... but then, there's really not much else for it, i guess... my roommate's already throwing me out, anyway... i can't blame her, but i...
it's not seeing a counselor that's the problem; i've already decided i need help. the problem is actually talking to one... i know i'm not very clear sometimes; to put it simply, i'm shy. very, very,...
i've tried that... for years. nobody gets it. my roommate doesn't get it, and she -has- depression (she's currently on meds for it). they either brush it off or tell me to get up and get a job. the...
um... i'm new here... to get to the point, i need help... asap (no immediate danger, just kind of only have a week to stay where i'm at, and i don't have any other place to go...). normally, i'm just...