I agree with you star lover, Charlie is a sweet soul and honestly you are too. I don't know how I would be without your guys advise love and support. I've been looking for people who understand how...
I'm in my 6th week, and I had a severe week.. Full of crying and staying in bed. I've been taking my medication earlier than usual to hopefully make me feel better, is that crazy? When I get like...
So I know bi polar and borderline personality disorder are two different things but I really have been wondering about it. I got diagnosed as bi-polar type II but I don't see how I am. But I do see a...
yes im so sorry i meant cipralex, stupid auto correct lol. im on 10mgs right now. its very up and down i just hope this is a good thing cause ive had my fair share of anti depressents. I was also...
hi there, I have a sereve anxiety disorder and even worse depression and had it off and on since i had my daughter 8 years ago. Ive been off and on different kinds of anti-depressents which i finally...