Hi everyone, Now I have been dealing with a migraine since last night because of my sinus are always stuffed up Allergy seaon is coming next month right till October so this really sucks Hope all is...
I will let you all now how I have been just taking it one day at a time :( Alexis...
How is everyone doing sorry I have not been on in awhile been busy with lots of stuff But I miss all my my friends in healing well I have a fuernal tomorrow my friend from high school passed away...
Thxs miss you all had a busy weekend Was Santa Claus parade here on Saturday so spent it with my very good friend and her beautiful kids :) had a wonderful weekend Brad and I are no longer going to...
I saw her in the mall wrote her a nice letter and he told me to get the hell away from me and mailed her out a happy 30 th bday card and she was that rude My friend and I are fighting like cats and...
Thanks Everyone,Apperciate all the nice warm welcomes bac its been a pretty rough road for me now my roomate is leaving in feb now its going to be really hard for me to get things done. Alexis :(...
Thanks Carl,I have been having alot of seizures from my stress Now dealing with others issues Arthtis in the spine and minor scollosis starting and my migraines list can go on But glad to be back...
Welcome Back Karen :)...
Me not so good been having alot of health problems lately Alexis :)...
I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy your trip Jamie so happy for you :)...
I have to wait for my dr refer me to community physcartity here in Hamilton so now I think awhile before I see anyone what should I do in the mean time what if I syart to feel really bad should I go...
Thanks I just hope they get my paper work...
I just called my dr office to make an appt with the phys at my dr offfice he is leaving in a month what happens will my GP get the notes from the hospital Alexis...
Good afternoon Everyone,UA hope your pain goes away keep warm. I am feeling very werid today I don't know what is going on I just wish I knew I just want to get better and not want to cry all the...
I am kinda of nervous I don't know what to expect from speaking with the physc my family dr has to refer me to the dr that works out of my own drs office but my friend I live with told me he will...
Wow I know but now they want me to see a physiatrist and see if they are meds they can give me to help me stop the crying mood swings and being sad the hospital nurse said to me lastnight it was good...
my friend went with me to the hospital we talked to physiatry and they want to to call my dr in the morning a get them to make a reffral to see this guy he works out of my office...
Karen,I went to the hospital they want me to seek counselling and see a phsyc at my drs office they think I need meds to help with what I told them....
I just posted a new topic my friend was just telling me that he thinks I might be bi polar I have mood swings sad depressed and crying what do you think?...
I have mood swings I am crying alot do you think I should make an appt with my dr regarding this issue...
Hi all,I have talked to my dr and he wants me to see a counsellor about my family issues but that is not going resolve nothing seriously they don't want me in there life and they made that quite...
Hey everyone,Good afternoon I saw Doris today she only works monday friday day shift for the city bus here in Hamilton then next monday she will start a night shift so I might get to see her a bit...
Hi Everyone How is everying fathers day going did laundry today now just relaxing watcging tv I have to take my seziure meds at 6am just so I can get up and see mt xriend Doris just works the bus...
Good afternoon Everyone,just woke up at 1pm I forgot to take my meds early this morning so I had to take and go back to sleep. Now I am having my breakfast peaches in the fruit cups there are so...
Hey Gonna miss you carl hope you have lots of fun and enjoy a break from work :)...
Hey Carl,I am not sick I hope you and Dianne have a great trip enjoy yourself and have fun. I am having a great day hope you are too. Alexis /community/emoticons/smile.gif...
Good afternoon Everyone,Hope your enjoying your friday Jamie, UA hope you both feel better just drink lots of fluids and have some soup and crackers I always have that when I don't feel well. I just...
Same here cause I live in an apartment and our hours are only from 8 to 10pm all to the theaft and damage now we have cameras in the laundry room so peo o le don't steal our clothes it used to be 24...
just finishing all my laundry washed ally bedding and clothes been doing laundryall afternoon its a pain hope everyone is having a good afternoon or night...
Hey Karen Same to you :)...
Yea I guess Dinner will be on me but it can only been done through the computer Lol. You guys just made me start laughing when I read what you wrote. Just had to go walmart and get some fresh fruit...
Hey Everyone how is your day mine is great just got good news and so happy my day couldn't get any better.Hope your day or night is going well. Alexis...
Hey Karen,I have a meeting with the bank today I called have to see them at 2pm no some of the debt is from me just trying to live and be able to eat for a month cause I am on a disablity pesion only...
Thanks Karen,We are both stressed cause I might have to go bankrupt as I have alot of debt and its getting harder to pay it off as I am 7 thousand grand in the hole I was supposed to be getting a...
Good Morning All,I have an appt this morning with my neurologist at 11:30am for my migraines as I get alot of the during the summer really bad as the heat gets bad and the humid weather it suxs . I...
Thanks, Everyone ,Today was a good I was pretty busy today had a drs appt had to get an x ray of my back then came home and just been relaxing since. ALEXIS...
Hi everyone,Have had a busy day went to the Drs office for a physical and had to go over meds with him. went to get some O.J and some Nestea from Fortino's and then had to get a xray for my back...
you right been living together for 2 yrs he just said if you want to leave then just said to me if you want u can leave or I wil and I can't break the lease we just sighned in feb we are on it...
I will see what happens going to take it a day at a time. I am dealing with alot alot right now The lose of my family is really getting to me. Dealing with maybe having to go bankrupt in alot of debt...
I am very frustrated I saw a friend downtown today I tried to say hello and my friend just got mad because I tried to say hi I don't think he wants me to have any friends because he is worried I...
I agree with you Carl there are songs that I smile too cry and just get angry I just find music soothes my mind when I want to yell and scream I just hold it in and go into the bedroom we have and...
I am glad your doing ok I missed you over the weekend :( Not having a very good afternoon got into a fight with the friend I live with its just frustrating at times. I wish I was alone Alexis...
Hi Trina and Karen,I have been dealing with the sezuires since 2010 since the break up with my ex Fiance I took it really hard plus I was not sleeping right I was staying up till 2 to 5 am and just...
I know I try and do deep breathing when I feel stressed but I fel pressure in my head when I know a sezuire is coming I know its all me I should just live one day at a time and enjoy life. I have a...
Thanks Trina and Jeoch,I love listening to music I do it everyday. I am just sitting here having a tea but got go get some groceries soon running out of fruit and stuff to drink. I have my friend he...
Hi everyone.I went to a London Hospital a yr ago and they are called physco genic sezuires brought on by stress. They will be apart of my life for a while I think. I had 2 this morning if I stress...
I listen to alot of music because that is what calms me down even if I am upset about something I just put the music on and block out everything. Is that bad or good not sure anymore :( Alexis...
Hi everyone,I had 15 sezuires when I woke up today so it was not a really good start to my day but feeling better now went out and had some lunch with my friend. Now Home and just writing to you. So...
thanks Trina,Your awesome /community/emoticons/smile.gif Alexis...