Was supposed to see him this afternoon but daughter home from school. Changed appt. 'till tomorrow....
Thanks for the response, it certainly helped me understand it better. I'm sure I have a bit of anxiety but just not sure to what level yet? Going to see Dr. later,see what he says...
Recently started taking perks(2 when I wake up,2 in afternoon,2 at night).really gave an effort to try not taking narcotics but I think impossible with pain. I honestly think Oxy's are what I need to...
Thanks, I was kind of under that impression. Just not sure which path to take? I know if I start taking Oxy's again it will take away some pain & give me some energy which may help me not be as...
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback . Not exactly sure what to do. I sure don't want to become dependant on anything again. So when you start anti-depressants, when you want to stop is it like...
Thanks for tour reply. So nothing starts working immediately? Recently finished vitamin b1,b6,&b12 shots. Dr. Said it was good for energy(which was why I was taking) as well as depression. Gained a...
Thank you for the replies. I have recently detoxed from 100mg fentynol patches & ever since have been depressed & think I may have anxiety. Really started noticing when playing pool. My game has...
I was wondering if I have anxiety? I find myself not breathing at times. Have an empty stomach feeling until the very bottom where it feels heavy. As well my chest seems to burn at times. If anyone...
I am going to see dr.tomorrow to let him know that I am depressed. I was wondering what kind of meds.people take & how effective they are ? Also wondering how long to kick in?...
Thank you for the feedback, I greatly appreciate it. Been on pain meds. Consistently for 10 yrs. on & off prior due to wide range of injuries. I certainly feel better with perks( mentally &...
I really appreciate the feed back. I am starting to realize I may not be able to be drug free. Every morning I get up in pain, try not to take perks but can't seem to get anything done. Only taking...
Not to sure about that. I have been getting shots that are pain blockers(only once since detoxing)& that specialist says fentynol can stay in your system for up to 4 months. If anyone knows about...
Hi,I am new here. Been reading articles for a couple hours now. Very interesting stuff on this site. Anyways, to make a very long story short I have multiple injuries ranging from disk problems to...
Eh bud, I am in my 5th week of detoxing from 100mg fentynol patches every 48 hrs. Not sure what your story is but my stomach still aches. Feels hallow! My dr. Prescribed me Valium , diclofenac 75 mg...