Hey. I haven’t written anything on this site for some time. I wrote some last year and you can read my story on the entry page. Basically, I have had no contact with my depressed ex girlfriend for...
Anyone? :)...
Thanks. I really feel better these days, and the space and time has somewhat put things in perspective. But I still feel kind of bad about letting her down. I didn't mean to, but before the summer we...
Update: 3 months of no contact with D ex, and I am feeling a lot better. Question: So it would still be a really stupid idea to reach out and tell here I will be here if she needs someone?...
Thanks bg, I still am finding myself in a hard position where I can't stop ruminating and obsessing over the last thing I said to my DSO. I just can't seem to let go, and it makes it very hard for me...
Thanks gb, Well, as I know her, I don't think she would appreciate a card. And I think the best decision would be to just leave it be for some time (not contacting her on her bd, even if I do wish...
Thanks again for your thoughts BnA and gb. Update: As for my ex's birthday, I've decided to probably not contact her, since that would feel like using her brithday as an excuse for me to reach out. I...
Well I have some trouble deciding what to do. As my d ex's birthday is coming up in three weeks, I was thinking about sending her a short and light bd-message. However: Would it be "mean" TO write...
Thanks! Yes, I will def let you know how things evolve. Same!...
Thanks getting by and AV, for your advices and encouraging words. I have much more understanding now on what's going on. That's relieving, at least. Then I have a plan to stick with, and I'll try to...
Thank you once again getting by and BnotAfraid for your comments. As I am having a hard time right now, your words really do good. Can't help still beating myself up over what happened in the past....
Thank you for your replies BnotAfraid and getting by. Yes, I do believe that you are right. Giving her space and focusing on myself is the best thing I can do right now. Does giving her space mean...
I am under so much stress right now, and would really need some help/thoughts (sorry for the long post). I’ve been in a relationship with my ex girlfriend since February 2013. It was great, she even...