Yeah I know no-one is at fault here. Yeah true that, hopefully all goes well for her. Oh wow, took a long time for you hey. Yeah it's all those times you just said I had with her I wish I could make...
Yeah I guess that's the truth hey. It just sucks because she really is a good girl and if if wasn't for this, or if she didn't let it get so bad it wouldn't have to be like this, life just sucks at...
Thank you Karen. Yeah ofcourse it'll be hard to tell when we can't look into the future >< but I mean she was saying she doesn't want to promise me anything because she hates not being able to keep...
Hello everyone, First post and whatnot on here, I came here for re-assurance and different peoples opinions and experiences.. So I broke up with my ex recently after just over 1 year, the thing is I...