Hi elisha, everyone I went to the doctor and he put me back on Luvox100. I don't know if any of you know the drug. Anyways, know it will take some time to work, but kind of forgot how it affected me...
Thank you everybody - its so nice to finally be able to talk to somebody about this - somebody who understand what I'm feeling and why I'm feeling all of these things. Thank you so very much!! I'm...
This may sound very strange. But I think all I really want and need at this point is a supporting ear to listen to what i have to say and tell me things are going to be alright. I keep so many things...
Hi elisha Thank you for replying its so nice to know that somebody is there. Your question about if my feelings centre around my rape is hard to answer for me. I denied it for a very long time about...
I am experiencing exstreme guilt for feeling this way since there is so much other people with situations far worse than mine. But I catch myself feeling unhappy, depressed, unable to contain my...
Your letter reminded me so much of what I went through when I was 18 years old and what I'm currently still struggling with. I'm 20 years old and my almost perfect life I fiind not worth living...