wow I feel the same way! Im Makenzie! I feel like that alot! No matter what good things doesnt keep me happy! I buy alot of things....use money like its water. go out and do tons of...
Hey... Im Makenzie and Im 15! Trust me I know how you feel! things right Now are so crazy! I cant handle it! Im so Over whelmed with life in genral! Somtimes I feel like ot will neevr get better and...
wow seems like you actually unserstand me! thats a first! yeah its absolutly insane the way me adn my mother fight! I swear she doesnt like me! she goes outta her way to make me miserable! And I dont...
i go to a counsellor once a week and i also go to a phsyciatrist so I guess il keep doing that! [color=#800080> [color=#800080> Makenzie...
And i just joined this website! I am Adopted! I am very close with him, My step-mom and my 4 siblings....but me and my adoptive mother fight constantly! Shopping,hanging out,pets OR ADVICE ON...