What kind enzymes? Thanks....
Believe it or not all this is with a low dose starting out. The Paxil CR is 12.5. In the past I have taken 25 and 50 a day. The Wellbutrin is 150 and I've taken 300 and 450. It is hard to go any...
I have been on antidepressants for years with no real problems. Last year I had to stop due to some high liver numbers. Now I can't get back on them due to severe reactions. Basically this is what...
With Emsam I read about the patch and that was what I was wondering if anyone had tried. Most recently I have had very bad reactions to Zoloft, Paxil, Iniprimine, and Wellbutrin. In August we can add...
Has anyone on the forum tried Emsam? For some reason now antidepressants I've taken in the past make me sick. They seem to increase my depression and make we so weak I don't want to move. I just...
Thank you very much Elisha and Rosie x. I appreciate it. So far nobody knows why antidepressants that I once could take make me extremely ill and severely depressed beyond where I started. I have...
Has anyone tried it? What were your results? Right now due to other medical problems my "old stand-by" anti-depression drugs are out of the picture. Waking up another morning feeling like today is...
Rianna...I am confused. It was your recommendation that had me call my wife and head to Costco for Sam-e. Now I read that you gave up on it. I'm in a boat now where I am actually afraid to try...
Lexapro works great for a best friend and for me I could not stand the side effects. It also caused me to feel more depressed and I thought of suicide from a detached perspective. I could understand...
Michelle...thank you very much for the welcome. Reading posts today has been a great help. I have not even touched on all my problems. I have been surprised that so many posts that I could relate to...
Have any of you tried it? I found it in a post from Rianna. I did some web searching and it seems too good to be true. I have taken prescriptions in the past but right now they are all giving me side...
When I went off of it I read that Benadryl and Dramamine would help. I used both. Whether they did or not I'm not entirely sure. When I got off I threw it out since it is an awful process. Now I'm...