Have had MANY drinks while on it and just 1 last night. i will go 2 years without a drink - dont care for the taste and do NOT have alchohol problems. The night I had 5 or 6 drinks i dont remember...
I was on effexor for around 2 years. coming off it was not that bad. the only real symptom was an outerbody feeling and dizziness and a weird light headed feeling. nothing else. take a xanax. you...
I am on 20 mg of Lexapro and have been for 4 weeks...here is what I have found and can anyone else please chime in - works fast - not eating a lot - in fact losing weight - I feel better - cant...
I was on Effexor and dont remember the vivid and weird and sometimes scary dreams I now have with lexapor. Some days I am in bed by 8pm sometimes I am up till 3AM...and the dreams are so real its...
Question...how do you get addicted to LOMOTIL? The bottle has no cautions on it from the pharmacy. Please explain. thanks...
When I came off Effexor the only real side effect was once in a while for a few weeks I would have this very weird out of body fuzzy head feeling - but it would pass. I also weaned off them...
first off I dont think you can base the effectivenes of lexapro on your situation....as I go to a top DR in manhattan who has treated 1000s of people with lexepro and no bad side effects...I have...
Hi there I was on Effexor years ago and had weight gain and HPRRIBLY withdrawl coming off this. With the Lexepro I have had - less of an appetitie and weight loss - I am NOT complaining - normal...
Can anyone please post any side effects from this anti-D med? thanks...