Stronglady4me Are you saying that your naturalpath prescribed or recommened Lexapro? Aren't they all about natural healing and herbal medications, or am I confusing that with something else. It's...
Lil_Angel I am really sorry to hear about that horrible situation. I am glad to see you survued it though. I am very proud. Sorry I have not checked in, but I have been dealing with my own stuff. I...
Just here for a quick check in. I accomplished some major work on my Home Theater this weekend. No anxiety. I have one more piece of aquipment I am waiting for, and that will be complete. Of course I...
I am so sorry Shy I did not realize that discussion of ex drug use was against the rules. Bad tase Bad tase. Is there a good way to share my experience with 007 without breaking the rules? I would...
Are you still out there Lil_Angel. I am thinking about you, concerned kind of. I rarely check in here from home, please let me/us know how you are doing. Even just a hello would be cool....
Maree I've got nothing. Honestly right now I am fighting the 2nd round of this stupid cold. It is spreading around work and some people like me are on the 2nd round. /community/emoticons/mad.gif I...
I didn't mean to start a new thread. Must have been the 12-15 years of drug using /community/emoticons/tongue.gif Anyway off the MIL's for pizza, I just wanted to check in. I will try for later if...
Welcome I'm a guy. An ex drug user too. I try to get here as much as possible, but the folks here are extremely supportive. From reading the tone of your post, it seems like you are together enough...
Please get thyself to a Dr. NOW. Not later, NOW. As in emergency room, family Dr. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for us because we care a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Oh Elisha I wish I had found that link 3 or 4 months ago. I thought I searched everywhere. Boo Hoo! I'm sure it has been posted here before, or not, but gosh I wish I had seen it. I am going to 2 or...
Here is my brief take on the subject. I believe that Effexor is an effective medication. I did exactly what is was supposed to do. I would not stop anyone from taking it that needs it. I would still...
Although I do feel comfy enough, I am going to delete that particular post, but contine to contribute to the forum and this thread. /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ...
Thanks jordaNZone I woke up this morning and was thinking about deleting my last post since nobody had replied to. As with marriage, I suppose, yesterday was a pretty good day. All or many of those...
My wife has a long history with mental illness & depression. I knew this wehn we got married. I have always been her rock. Overall she has things a lot more in check now than she she has in the...
Unfortunately yes. I think short term goal is to get my home theater set up and working properly. (Definitely not as easy as you would think)...
Great plan except we made the conscience decision to use possible vacation money to by my wife a diomand ring I have been promising for 14 years. Then I tacked on some serious Home Theater equipment...
Actually I think that is a good idea. We have a minor league team pretty close by, and it is very inexpensive. Someone wrote retirement. I hopped on that, except mine is 15 years away....
Somebody started a thread in another forum that I frequent (totally unrelated to health issues) called " What are you looking forward to? People are chiming in left and right with lists that include...
scotsgal I am not up to date on your situation, I must implore to you not to give up. If you keep working with your doc, you may find a course of action that will make you feel better. Believe me I...
Welcome Give Me Strength since you are on meds, I can only assume that you are under a Dr. care. This is good, and means you have reached out. Everyone here is great and supportive. I am on 450mg...
I agree with what cw had to say. My wife had a backup-Lexapro, and only having one seriously miserable day, maybe two before switching over. She couldn't fall asleep. I gave her 1.0 Xanax and when...
Hi no-more I have a question regarding your experience with L-Tryptophan. Is this currently the only medication you are taking? I am wondering what the safety issues taking that while still taking...
I just wanted to pop in with an update. Today is day 8 or 9 being totally off Effexor. I am cautiously optimistic that the worst is totally behind me. I have a nasty cold, bug, flu so I can't say I...
Congrats slowlygoingcrazy /community/emoticons/smile.gif How much sick time do you have? I don't want to put a damper on your good feelings, and really pray they continue all the way through. I just...
Virtual Hugs to you {{{{Lil_Angel}}}}} Hope you feel better soon...
Thanks Elisha Actually my pdoc had a very cavalier attitude about this withdrawal. He kind of towed the company line. That has irked me some. Also since I never diagnosed with major depression, he...
Effexor is very good at doing what it is intended for. It was verry effective in combonation with Wellbutrin for me. The reason I am getting off of it is because I was tested for proved positive for...
Hi Victoria It appears as though it this bad for just about everyone. Of course anyone who did not have a problem would more than likely not be posting to a forum like this, so we can't be sure. My...
Hi I have not checked in in quite a while. I don't have a chance to check in, but hope everone is at least doing OK. I joined this thread as I trying very hard to get off Effexor. Apparently I am not...
Hopeful I am SOO glad to hear your doggie is going to be OK. That must be such a relief. Without that worry you can use your pets as therapy pets. I know mine certainly help me. Lately I have notice...
I have been on Wellbutrin 450mg for around 5 years. Unfortunately there was no loss of weight side effect for me /community/emoticons/sad.gif ...
Hey Hopeful I'm sitting here with a revolving lap. Besides Nikki the dog, we have 2 kitties. I mentioned the 15 yr old, we also have a 2 year old who is a daddy's girl. Anyway Nikki is on my lower...
I jut wrote up a long post explaining my entire sleep patern and accidentally hit the esc button and poof gone. So basically I stay up WAY to late 12-1am and alarm goes off at 6am. I am tired all...
It is simply that most of us pour our hearts and soles and sweat and tears here supporting each other, and you come along with one brief sentence stating you cured yourself and click on this link and...
Allys I think the negative reaction could stem from the fact that you are a paid facilitator. The feeling I get when I read your posts are like you are trying to drum up business. I am not saying...
hopeful My heart goes out to you. Wish I could give you a big hug. As an owner of a 12.5 year old Bichon Frise with cushings disease, and a 15 yr old cat who literally used up all his nine lives many...
I agree with you that pushing myself is what I need to try and do. however I have never experienced being a cleaning fanatic. I haven't really gone from one extreme to the other such as yourself, I...
I have been on 2 meds at once for at least 5 years. I have been taking Wellbutrin and Effexor the whole time. We have played around with dosage amounts. I am currently taking 75 mg Effexor and 450 mg...
Sending good thoughts....
I think that I am indeed just a lazy person. I suffer from depression, however not as bad as many others here. I have been lazy as long as I can remember. I am lazy both physically and mentally. I...
I don't remember my letters I know I was I???, but that test was the beginning of depression problems. Our agency had a new commissioner who was a major "touchy-feely" type, and an E???. She totally...
Welcome Amy I have weighed in a couple of times regarding the Lexapro fatigue factor, as my wife started L a little over a month ago. She was just increased from 10mg to 15mg. She does get tired, but...
fma Why don't you use this forum as sort of a journal or diary. People way give you feedback or even simple coversation back and forth, no advice. This way we can keep sharing our experiences and you...
Hi mamaof4 My wife has been on Lexapro for 1 month (I know that because from work I need to pick up her refill)and the majority of the time she was taking it as part of her morning meds. She was...
Hi Marez I think I eventially mentioned to her that this appeared to be a normal side effect of Lexapro the next day. Since then she is fiddling around with the time of day she takes it. We tried a...
I'm rethinking my answer yesterday concerning my wife. yesterday she slept until 1PM. (She usually wakes between 9:30-11:30. Then when I came home from work at 5PM, I napped. At around 6PM (after...
Sorry to hear about your recent bad times Butterfly. Why oh why did you stop taking your meds? Cold turkey to boot? I believe some of these recent feelings could be directly related to withdrawl from...
My wife has now been on it for about 1 month. 10 mg. She is doing quite well on it. She is not a side effects reader-so she had no preconceived notions of exhaustion or appetite problems. Our...
I would simply like to suggest to srw98444 that you should start you own thread. You have issues that can be better addressed if not burried in another non-realted thread. Just my$.02...