Hi everyone, just been to the docs, he told me its going to take at least 12 months before my balance is restored and things return to any kind of normality. He has given me a note to tell my...
Elisha, thanks, i am going to give them a go. xx...
Hi kitt, really nice of you to say hello. It's great to have so much support, i wish i had joined ages ago. Thanks so much...
Hello Elisha, thanks for being positive, its what i need right now. One question though, do the pills and driving go together? I have to drive a lot in the job i do!...
Hello Shy, I thanks for replying, yes the doc gives me strong pain killlers and tabs for killing the pain in the nerve endings, also tabs for the noise. The first are used as anti-depressants and...
Hi, i have just had my op to remove a tumour from my ear. It took the doctors nearly three years to find out what is was! During that time i have had mild pain to severe pain. After being diagnosed i...
i am married and i feel the same as you. I sometimes wonder why my husband likes me. Is that bizzare? I wish i could like myself and not feel this way all the time. If you don't like the man, i'm...