Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know all is well. I've been extremely busy trying to get a ladies house repaired before the weather gets even worse. Rotten wood and mold are time consuming...
Hi 32 Glad you checked in, was wondering about you. Doug...
Thanks for the reply and info circa. You have given me a lot to ask the doctor about . One thing is for sure, I have to stop this pain, as with you it is destroying my life. Doug...
Has anyone gone through this? I've had occaisional migrains most my life, no big deal, they would go away after a day or two. Over the past ten years I get hit with dizzy spells that have at times...
Hi Ktay. Welcome to the forum. Finding a therapist or counselor that you are comfortable with is quite important, as djdaz has pointed out. Keep trying new ones untill you find someone you are...
Hi erasmus42. Welcome to the forum I'm of no help with the medication question as I don't take nor ever have taken Effexor. I think the listing conditions in the signature is just a way of letting...
Hi chickpea, welcome to the forum Wow! My heart goes out to you, I can imagine how hard this must be on you. I'm a depression sufferer and a few other things. I put my wife through hell, much like...
Glad we could help ~afloat~ Always here if you need an ear to bend Doug...
Hi dark You're right. This isn't an easy problem to fix, it takes a lot of work. It's hard for most of us to ask for help, we fear we will be thought less of or laughed at. Let me assure you that...
Thanks Darren...
First let me say that this is a bit awckward. I feel like a kid trying to tell my grandfather something. This is not ment to be insulting, I just have a great deal of respect for my elders. With your...
Glad I was able to share something meaningful. /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ...
You're taking the first steps now, dark. Pat yourself on the back for once and say"good job". I'm patting you on the back and saying "good job", you deserve it. Doug...
We're all rooting for you dark, that's what friends are for....
Hi SC Thought I was reading my own thoughts for a second there. I too went through a long nasty spell and like you directed my anger at in-animate objects. (walls, doors, etc) These episodes would...
So sorry dark, I did indeed fall asleep. Awake now, obviously, unless I learned to type in my sleep /community/emoticons/smile.gif Who rejects or schold's you for feeling this way? Family? Friends?...
I will be looking for you later. Hope you get some sleep. Doug...
It's not much different here. I spent many years hiding behind a fake smile and pretending that all was good when other people were around. I didn't want to become an out-cast. There came a point...
I'm 40 dark and it wasn't till the last few years that I got some resemblace of a nornal life. Well what other's call normal anyway. I know it's hard to look out from where you are right now, but...
It's no waste of time talking to you dark. You're right, we all go through times of lonliness and confusion. Some of us more often then others. You have half the battle won already by first...
Hi Dark I check the forum here about every hour and yes I've been watching this thread since you posted. Decided I would let you know I'm here to talk to if you need/want. Doug...
Thanks for the welcomes shy and kitt. Doug /community/emoticons/redface.gif ...
Hi stayingafloat I agree with els. Recovering from surgery is a major stressor on the mind and body. The energy you would normaly use to help you cope with your depression, just isn't there. Your...
Thanks djdaz It's been a long road to reach a managable level. A lot of reading, searching and learning. I would have liked to have things like this forum when I was first suffering. If there is...
Hi tangerine bear I'm new here, but not to depression. In the 18 years since I was diagnosed, they're have been several ups and downs, it happens. You probably know this. What caused the drop? Is...
Hi Merlotmoon Wow! Reading your post and thinking to myself, "she's talking about me" If it had been a few years earlier, you could have been my wife looking for help with me. I could just copy/paste...
Thanks for the welcome Carla I hope I'm able to be of some help to people....
Hi Teresa Since I'm a newbie, I'll just say I've been to hell and back as well. You have a lot of friends here to help you, I hope to become one as well. Wishing you well, Doug...
Quick note to Mods. I couldn't decide if my links fell into the category of allowable links, so I have removed them from my profile signature. Could you let me know if they are ok. Thanks, Doug...
I probably should have posted it here. I left a message for you in my "Hi" post 32. Doug Eby...
Hi 32 Funny how things work some times. I was just reading your thread and thinking to myself how familiar some of it sounds. I don't suffer from fibro though. I know the medication roller-coaster...
Hi! Doug Here I'll keep it brief, I hope. I've been dealing with stress, anxiety and depression for over 18 years. I've been through a lot and managed to make it this far. No small miracle, believe...