that few handfuls was just that ONE day.. normally I only have a servings worth when I want a cheesy snack. that one day they just "tasted like more". lately I have been indulging on celery sticks...
the cheetos was a little treat that day. I have been fairly good with what I eat. Mind you its NOT easy when you are on a low income budget. I usually TRY to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables as a...
well its been just over a week since I got that cortisone shot and I am THRILLED to report that I think I finally hit that magic number with my medications because my blood sugars seem to be PERFECT....
Has anyone ever heard of a condition called "Exploding Head Syndrome"? From what I have heard, its not as scary as it sounds, its just really annoying. Basically its like the sound of a firecracker...
how do you list your meds and stuff???.... how do I do that so that I can show on mine? never mind, I THINK I figured it out! :-)...
I got a cortisone shot for my shoulder today and to my shock my blood sugar level skyrocketed to 534. It took me 5 hours and several injections of fast acting insulin to get it down to 128 only to...