Do you have nausea all day long? I never noticed this side effect when I first started taking it, but now I always seem to be sick to my stomach. It's not pleasant at all :(...
Thank you for your reply, Warren. I will try to just have something small before the gym (if I dont eat SOMETHING between work and the gym, all I will be thinking about while I am there is how hungry...
Hi Folks, I screwed up recently and sort of fell off the wagon. I was taking my medicine, but eating like crap and my number slowly rose back up to the 200-mid 200 range. I also quit going to the gym...
That's very interesting. I have no comments or suggestions, but am curious to know what could be causing that. Working out always drops my BG, but mine never get as low as yours.... Bump?...
Hey Warren, thanks for the information.....I will probably do just that, no need to waste! Thanks for the info....
Well folks, can you believe that this week it will already be a month that I have been on my medication and going back to the doctor? It went by fast. My question is sugar levels have gone...
Thank you for the insightful information. I find myself satisfying that small craving and then I am fine. I am also noticing small changes; for example, I find myself picking healthier foods not...
Sugar Free sweets, primarily ones that contain sugar alcohols, wel.....let's just say they make my bowl movements /community/emoticons/nono.gif /community/emoticons/skull.gif...
Sharer, Your response literally left me with tears in my eyes. I guess I need to quit having a pity party and start being grateful that I dont have any of the problems you mentioned. I guess it's...
This may be a case of PMS (sorry boys), but as I try to take control of my diabetes, I find myself to be depressed as of late. My mother and sister dont take care of themselves and eat all kinds of...
Thank you very much for the information!...
Hi, I am new to this site after google-ing byetta. I am on my third day of the medication and am taking it with 1000mg of metformin per day. My Ac-whatever number (new to the whole lingo) was 10.8%...