I really don't know how this post wound up in Allergies & Asthma either,I guess I was not paying attention to the posting sight, and not knowing where to put it....the whole thing posted here......Oh...
the cancer associated with D-Dimer Test being well over 1,000 with a standard of under 500. Please speak up if you do. /community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/confused.gif...
Flagyl is a medication that is quite helpful for many reasons. It kills different types of bacteria in ones body. Don't be afraid, it may very well shohw signs of wonderful helpful relief. If the...
It is not a scarry as it sounds. I just told them to knock me out, the did, placed 4 stents, and angioplasty. Scarred me to death when I first found out what they would do, but now no biggie............
/community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/confused.gif /community/emoticons/confused.gif...
How many out there are currently using Byetta? Do you find relief with it? Are you taking glucophage with it? I can tell a real difference using the two meds together...how 'bout you?...
I think Cymbalta is wonderful. I actually look forward to taking it each day! Is that *sick* or what? migraines. ummmmmm, ice packs on the head works wonders along with a totally dark quiet place,...
I found that a Rheumatalogy Doctor was the way to go. They deal every day with problems related to immune supression. Any of the problems from arthritis to neutr openia are tended to by Rheumatoid...