Hey AndieWendy 2 1/2yrs on and someone who can relate, i so cant believe the similarities in our Ep i'm sorry to hear /community/emoticons/confused.gif , i'll explain mine a little better and in...
kat1611 i also get angry after seizures that's normal if you research it, i now suffer bad headaches something i never used to suffer from prior to being a epileptic i'm 29 i started fitting 2 years...
Very interesting posts here, this may sound stupid but why hasn't a Neuro hooked one of any of you'll up for a EEG ECG and induced a lil pain, i'd let them kick me in the guts to get a reading...
Hey Roni thanks for the reply It was the ENT who told me it was an aura, it's supposed to be the muscles in and around my neck starting to retract and release which makes my ear drum shutter thats...
If it helps i had my 1st ever gm at 27yrs of age...
Hey all i'm new to this site and newish to being dignosed as an epileptic tho i've been having seizures close to 2 years now, in those two years it's been a very complicated time for myself (as i'm...
I was put on keppra after epilim by itself failed & made me have my 2nd ever seizure 7 months after my 1st ever seizure in life (i told the doctor i didn't want to start meds), it was less than 1...