Does anyone here live with Atonic epilepsy i have recently been re diagnosed with epilepsy but this time in the form of atonic. x...
i have been re diagnosed with epliepsy but this time atonic epliepsy got to have another EEG soon x...
one of my friends a similar operation and she has made a full recovery now. x...
hello everyone i haven't been on here for a while been busy with school work and exams :( im well apart from the other month i became ill and had a seizure first one in 5 years but they think that...
heyy im allergic to egg and milk and some other things but i have to cut them out all toghter i get food what dont contain them in. there a bit more expensive though but you will find every shop does...
just to let you know i did my talk today went realy well got asked loads of questions i got a B just missed an A. im happy loll xxxx...
thanks loll i have to check everything but yesterday i was at the hospital and used the hospital soap big mistake my hands started to swell up. I dont normally use things like there soap as i carry...
the people who are allergic to chocolate are simply the best im allergic to chocolate too xxx...
hi my names danni and im allergic to * milk (all dairy) * egg * shellfish * lyrca * latex * penacillion * sun cream * moisturiser * make up so i find some things quite hard as milk has many forms...
hello i am allregic to all sun cream but i get one from my doctors its called Roc sante soleil im not sure whats in it but its meant to be for highly sensative skin and people who are allergic. the...
i will keep in touch and each one of you will be in my prayers. i go on a school trip soon cant wait that reminds me i have to make a list of all my medication xxxxx...
i didn't have a serizure as such i just went really dizzy, light headed and faint. and my presentation is on tuesday :S but today i went on a day out with rays of sunshine (its a childrens wish...
[b] my speach thing it going to be soon im not sure what day but i will tell you all how it goes when i do it. most people now know about my epielepsy because on the 2nd to last day of term i was...
my speach is going to be in the next 2 weeks and im not the only person in my school with epielpsy one of my close friends have it to. So it will help her out as well as me and everyone in my class....
thank you my teacher mr seamon said i should get a good grade and he looks forward for me doing my speach xxx...
Thank you so much it means a lot to me to know that if it all goes wrong you guys will all be there. the coments to mean a lot like "I am so proud of you" in my eyes in not doing anything special but...
yeah i havent done it yet, and well up to now i only told my very close friends about my epielepsy but now i just think of it as its not anything to be emabraced about its what we have and we cant do...
ouch thats got to hurt, i havent had a seizure for four years but the last one i had was while i was walking to school on my own. But a lady stoped and helped me so i was lucky. i do still get scared...
Thank you for all your lovely comments. They mean alot to me, not many people know about my epilepsy just my close friends really. But i think people need to not think that people with epielepsy are...
we had to do that then had a test i got 18/20 as i now a few people with CF....
thats sweet wish him good luch from me i also have astma xxx...
i also get a similar thing and i hate it. when i try and describe what happens to a doctor they just put it down to something else. danni xxx...
and the facts etc. even my teacher didn't want me to do my school show due to me being epileptic. danni xx...