Hi Chris, My daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 15 and has also been on a valproate type drug. Like you she suffers from incredible exhaustion on this drug (as well as...
Hi Ginny, I would really appreciate it if you could give me some info on anything that helps with the hairloss- I have been giving her a zinc and folate supplement since she started the Depakote but...
Hi- me again.... My daughter is starting to have some hair loss on the Depakote /community/emoticons/sad.gif Does anyone know if her hair will return when she stops the Depakote? I'm going to ring...
Hi Randy, I'm in New Zealand- though actually I was born in Toronto, Ontario /community/emoticons/smile.gif I've been in New Zealand a long time though. I got a bit more information the other day...
Thanks for replying and I'm sorry that your son has experienced a bad reaction to tegretol also. I think I was sort of expecting it with Jessica- she has lots of allergies. The doctor said to start...
Jessica developed a rash and swollen lips and the doctor has stopped the tegretol...... Now she is on Epilim (Depakote). I was really hoping she wouldn't have to go on Epilim. The way our health...
Hey Tracy, Thank you for your words of wisdom- you are so right that I need to keep my fears to myself- it is hard to stay positive and reassuring when I feel so worried but I hear you loud and...
Thank you all so much for your help- I woke up this morning feeling very low and it was nice to come here and read your encouraging stories. Kayakmom- thank you for the advice on medications...
Hi everyone, My 15 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy- she has been having simple partial, complex partial and absence seizures for the last few months. She started on tegretol...